Yesterday our system-harddisk crashed and i had to restore
the postgres databases from the backup-tape.
i simply use pg_dumpall with no params for dumping the
data, but when i used psql for restoring the data,
every view was created as a table and was filled up
with the data which the view had been delivered at
the time of the backup.
it was no problem, because actually we dont use much
views so i could restored it by hand. but the
question is, is it possible to backup views, and
the bigger question for me is, what additional surprises do
i have to expect from pg_dumpall?
SC-Networks www: www.SC-Networks.de
Web Design, Netzwerke,
3D Animation und Multimedia
Heiko Irrgang Tel.: 08856/9392-00
Im Thal 2 Fax: 08856/9392-01
82377 Penzberg Mail: Irrgang@SC-Networks.de